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“Well, first of all let’s start with a book, that has been my inspiration for quite a bit of time! The book called “It’s About Music, The art and Heart of Improvisation” by Jean-Michel Pilc. And I pretty often go back to the quotes I marked.
For the first time I started reading this book, I was so happy – I felt like
oh! I can relate to this so much!
There is a pdf on the Internet. As this book is for musicians and about music – there are just a few chapters about learning before it goes a bit too deep into musical world. So check the online version out if you don’t want to own this book, but you are interested in learning improvisation and some beautiful thoughts about it.
“<…> Discipline is based on knowledge – it grows from the exterior to the interior – and art on love – from the interior to the exterior<…>” (Jean-Michel Pilc)
Moreover, there below are a few tap steps that I have been working on for awhile.
One – I remember my partner Felix showed me at Herrang Dance Camp a few years ago,
and the second one – is from my dear friend Andrew.
If you decide to learn them, please don’t hesitate to share that with me and show me how you managed to incorporate it into your dancing. Very looking forward! Much love”
Videos of tap steps to work on